wear dresses.
I knew in my heart that I wasn't abnormal for wanting to help make my husband happy; it was my duty as a wife. I felt that anything as important to our marriage as peace of mind was worth any struggle to maintain. When we stopped trying to find a word be- fitting our situation or what term to use in describing it we started gaining some real insight to the whole matter. I feel that because society says this is so, or that is wrong, it isn't always necessarily right. When society grants a marriage contract to 3 man and a woman it can- not continue to dictate to the people how they must live. It is a man and his wife who must learn what is best for their marriage and at times ignore convention.
I believe that when you first find out that your husband is a transvestite, femmepersonator or what have you, it is absolutely necessary to ask yourself do I love this man enough to keep on living with him? If the answer is Yes, then you must go to work and help him in anyway that you can. It may be difficult at first to see him in dresses and make up, but it really shouldn't be too much of a problem. He is your husband and the man you married and you love him. He is still the same person you love, no matter what he may be wearing. His masculine image isn't what you fell in love with, or shouldn't be, it is his total being, which includes fem- inine qualities which may or may not have shown through. He is a human being who supports you, fathers your children, shares your problems, loves you and at times is compelled to share what our culture designates as your feminine world. When he dresses he dosen't be- come your sister, a woman or even your girlfriend, be- cause he is still your husband and a pretty terrific guy. No man can expect his wife to think of him as her sister even though he may look like a living doll at the time. A somewhat different relationship does develop as he learns to express his feminine side more clearly. It can be great fun to study the latest fashions together and no wife is opposed to a little help with the house work. It may seem strange to some who haven't experienced it but as your husband's feminine personality develops, so will his masculine side progress. I honestly feel that my husband is a better person today because he/she is a more total personality at peace with both elements.